In personally, this is the best way for your Xbox. The top error of Xbox console is Xbox 360 blinking red light.
Visit: How to Fix Xbox 360 One Red Light Yourself.
Finally, the best option to fix Xbox 360 blinking red light is to repair it yourself. Many Xbox users around the world find the ways to fix this error.
Fix Xbox 360 blinking red light yourself by learning from the Xbox repair guide.
Theres no need to wait for months to get your console back, and theres no need to pay $150 for expensive repairs. First, you must pay your money about $140-$150 for the repair cost (if Xbox warranty has been expired). There is no need to wait for long time and pay your $150, because you have the better way that I will tell you in the way number 2. Simply fix your console yourself with the use of Xbox 360 Repair Guide.
A lot of Xbox 360 consoles had a serious error.
You have 2 ways to select for Your Xbox. Its easiest, fastest and cheapest to fix Xbox 360 blinking red light yourself. Fix Xbox 360 yourself is very easy and you can do it in a few hours. But you cannot fix it without the knowledge, you can learn how to fix Xbox 360 from the Xbox repair guide thats very popular on the internet and its prices just $25-$40. So, it is impossible for you to select this way.
Send Xbox 360 console to manufactory 595 x 595 panel lights suppliers (Microsoft).
Are you sure to select this way for fixing your Xbox? I will tell you something thats not good for this way. And all of users who sent the Xbox to the manufactory, they waited about 1-2 months for the repairing time.2x2 panel lights suppliers can see step-by-step about how to fix Xbox 360 error. And as Ive said before, its highly recommended to use an Xbox 360 Repair Guide